Why Is It Crucial To Upgrade Your Drinking Water

Domestic water purifiers have become a part and parcel of today’s life, they have become more than an appliance. While food is a basic necessity, water is what we are made up of. Drinking polluted water causes major health hazards from acute diseases like Diarrhea, Cholera, Jaundice etc to Chronic diseases as critical as Cancer have been diagnosed to have been formed because of drinking Polluted water. This article is not for marketing purpose but to focus on the necessity of a Water Purifier in Contemporary times. We all know that we cannot survive without water for more than 3 days, now let us show you that how the quality of the water we drink is directly proportional to our health and lifespan. The full form of TDS is Total Dissolved Solids in water. While the optimum level of TDS in drinking water should be between 50-150 ppm. Industrial areas like Delhi, Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi and almost all cities and rural areas of our country show an alarmin...